
The2021LeagueofLegendsWorldChampionshipwasanesportstournamentforthemultiplayeronlinebattlearenavideogameLeagueofLegends.,The2021WorldChampionshipisthecrowningeventofLeagueofLegendsesportsfortheyear.Thetournamentwelcomes24teamsfromallregionsofthegame ...,FullinformationaboutWorlds2021LoL.Matchresults,VODs,streams,teamrosters,schedules.,,2021年11月7日—Againsttheodds,EdwardGaminghavetakentheSummo...

2021 League of Legends World Championship

The 2021 League of Legends World Championship was an esports tournament for the multiplayer online battle arena video game League of Legends.

2021 World Championship

The 2021 World Championship is the crowning event of League of Legends esports for the year. The tournament welcomes 24 teams from all regions of the game ...


Full information about Worlds 2021 LoL. Match results, VODs, streams, team rosters, schedules.

League of Legends Worlds 2021

2021年11月7日 — Against the odds, Edward Gaming have taken the Summoner's Cup at the League of Legends World Championship 2021. Here's how they did it.

LoL Worlds 2021

League of Legends World Championship 2021 ➨ Detailed viewers statistics, schedule, top matches of LoL Worlds 2021, how to watch live Worlds 2021 and more.

MSI 2021 - Leaguepedia

The 2021 Mid-Season Invitational (MSI 2021) is held between the first and second splits of all regions. The champions of each competitive region compete for the

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